Personal data processing

Your privacy is very important to us. This privacy statement explains what personal data we collect and how we use that data.

Privacy Policy on the FindHotel.Travel website

FindHotel.Travel asks you to provide information such as your email address and your name when filling out the forms: "Feedback", "Help me choose a hotel / air tickets", "Found a mistake - let us know", "Hotel owners", "For private guides ", "Add a review". We need this data solely in order to respond to your request. We do not use your data for advertising, mailing, do not transfer to third parties, do not publish in the public domain. You can be confident in the security of your personal data.

FindHotel.Travel uses cookies (small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies to operate our website. The use of cookies allows us to save your settings and parameters, quickly load pages, provide targeted advertising and analyze the operations performed on the site.