Terms and Conditions

Terms of use of the FindHotel.Travel site

General provisions

The FindHotel.Travel travel portal is an information resource about travel that is not a mass media. The purpose of the site is to highlight popular tourist destinations, create a space for expressing their point of view, communicating and sharing experiences with participants and visitors of the site; provide users with a wide range of travel services for convenient travel planning.

On the site you will find information about countries and cities, tourist reviews, maps and panoramas, photos and videos, descriptions of hotels and attractions, and much more.

The materials of the site may not be copied, processed, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior permission of the copyright holder (the site administration, the user).


Getting to the site FindHotel.Travel through search engines or other links and clicks, you become a User of the site under the terms of this Agreement, accept and understand all possible direct or indirect risks associated with the exercise of your rights granted by the site and the performance of your obligations. The relationship between the User and the site is exclusively of a virtual non-property nature, unless otherwise stipulated in a separate agreement.

Users have the right to post on the site independently created objects of copyright or other intellectual property (hereinafter referred to as "Materials") without violating the rights of third parties. 

By placing your copyright objects on the site, you, as a User, are responsible to the site and third parties for all consequences that may arise from the use of information obtained from these Materials by third parties.

The Site is not responsible for the safety of the information posted by the User and the continuous ability to access this information.

The User has the right to view, read, listen to the information located on the site, but not to own or dispose of it, with the exception of Materials to which the rights already belong to the User on the basis of copyright or other related rights.

The Portal is not responsible for any material and moral damage, direct or indirect, that may arise from the User in connection with his perception of the materials posted on the site.

The User is responsible for compliance with the current legislation, for the completeness of the legal registration of the Materials posted by him, for the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, for the timeliness of the provision of information. The responsibility for the information on hotels, excursions and other tourist activities provided by the partners of the site lies with its copyright holders. The Site is not responsible for the information provided.

The User has the right to send their questions, comments or suggestions by e-mail, while the site has the right to refuse to receive, review, process or further communication with the User without explaining the reasons for the refusal. The User is solely responsible for all the consequences of such a refusal.

Site Administration

The Site Administration has the right to remove user materials of any kind, if there are grounds to believe that their placement violates the rights of other users, third parties, or the legislation of the Russian Federation, or for any other reasons.

The administration has the right to use the information posted by users on the site, change and transfer it for better provision to site visitors, as well as for analytical and statistical work. By placing the information on the site, the user confirms that he / she agrees to such a condition. 

The provisions of this Agreement are general in nature. If necessary, the relationship between the parties is regulated by special contracts, agreements or other documents, taking into account the specific specifics.

This Agreement is governed by the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

The current version of this Agreement is located at https://findhotel.travel/pages/terms. This Agreement may be changed by the site administration at any time without notifying the User.